The dawn must come.

The dawn must come.

Friday, 17 February 2012

The Objective: A Country called Anarchy* and a Government named Chaos.

By: Ahmed M. EL NAHAS – Montopoli, February 16th 2012.
As things are going right now, I see Egypt driven straight downhill to fall into an inevitable dramatic chaos. The disorder that is manifested everyday, seem to be engineered and guided at distance by invisible, yet  known, able hands. Are “they” leading us directly towards “Anarchy”?
We know from past human experiences that every major political, social or economical change; is accompanied by, or immediately followed by, a phase of “chaotic disorder”. And it is always the length of such a phase that will determine the successive type of the “Stabilising Order”.
We’ve seen that during the “English Civil War” in the 17th century from 1641 till 1651, the time of the “Republic of Cromwell” and the famous “Putney Debates”, where Anarchy came to be sharply defined, even though from differing political perspectives. While some saw it as “an imperative norm characterizing only primitive forms of societies”; others used the term to describe a situation where “the people use force to impose a government according to a given economic base, varying from the absolute solitary ownership as in Monarchy, to the different types of ownerships in a Republic”.
“Jamaica”, the Caribbean British Colony, in the first half of the 18th century gave us another example of Anarchy, what Anthropologists came to name “Anarchy of Aristocracy”, whereby the white land owners refused to abide by the laws of the Crown in order to fortify their economic and political grip on their business in the plantations and in the slave trade.
Anarchy also had the lion’s share in formulating the immediate bloody post revolution period in “France” in the late 18th century, where the “Sans-Culottes” anarchist movement led violence until the sacred right of insurrection got blown away by gunpowder. “In the French Revolution, the narrative of increasing anarchy undermined the narrative in which the revolutionaries were striving to create a new social order by writing a constitution”.
During the “Russian Civil War”, in the dawn of the 19th century, the “Ukrainian Anarchists” (also called the “Anarchist Black Army”) organised the “Free Territory of Ukraine”, an Anarchist society, committed to resisting state authority, whether communist or capitalist. This project was cut short by the consolidation of the Bolshevik power.
Even in “Spain”, the Spanish “Confederation of Anarcho-Syndicalist Labour Unions”, had grown to 1 million members, and encountered many fights with the police and the fascists in Spain; the workers and peasants took over the government of Spain and joined together to create a “Revolutionary Militia” to fight the fascists. They were fighting to start a revolution, not to help save their government. Spain’s society was transposed by a social revolution. Every business was re-organized to have a company with no bosses; surprisingly profits increased by over half. The Anarchist Unions issued a warning calling on their members “No councillor or police commissioner, no matter who he is, can order the disarming of the workers, who are fighting fascism with more self-sacrifice than all the politicians in the rear, whose incapacity and impotence everybody knows. Do not, on any account, allow yourselves to be disarmed”. The next day, with over 70,000 casualties, and many people fleeing to France; the  “Anarchist Republican Army” laid the arms and General Franco’s army entered Barcelona to end the revolution.
You won’t believe it, but “Somalia” until very recent time was an Anarchist Society. Before the “Islamic Courts Union” took control, large parts of southern Somalia were effectively functioning without a central government. However, an economic survey by the World Bank found that distribution of wealth in the country was more equitable, and the extent of extreme poverty was lower than that found in nominally more stable West African nations. According to the same paper, although southern Somalia was effectively operating without a federal government before the rise to prominence of the Islamic Courts Union, it was not an anarchist society in the sense that society was more or less chaotic than organized non-coercively. Despite this, living standards in Somalia increased – in absolute terms, relative to the pre-Somali Civil War era, and relative to other nations in Africa. Economists attribute the rather astounding increase in economic activity since the rise of statelessness to the security in life, liberty and property provided by Somali customary law in most parts of Somalia, which ensures for a relative free market.
We have seen the sorts of Somalia with its “Transitional Federal Government” internationally recognized and backed by the USA!
Based on this short account, we now know for certain that “Anarchy”:
1.      does not have a special ideological colour.. It cannot be labelled Communist, Capitalist, Monarchial or Republican,
2.      it cannot govern a complex situation as a multi-ethnic/multi-cultural society of any form,
3.      it cannot organise itself into a constant stable governing body,
4.      it may function successfully only within small communities,
5.      Anarchy does not have a lasting inner thrust to renew its functional energy, and
6.      it can win battles, but cannot bring a neat victory out of a war.
So, back to the interrogation mark of the first paragraph of this article.. “Are they (the invisible able hands) leading us directly towards “Anarchy”?
The answer seems as a radiant YES..
“They” have already seeded fear, insecurity and mistrust among the various ethnic/religious sects of the population.  
“They” would let Egypt slide into Anarchy in a way to trigger a long term exhausting conflict and drown the entire country in the moving sands of “Chaos”. The result would be to drain out Egypt’s remaining crumbs of resources, making of her an easy pray for economic speculators and financial adventurers.
“They” have a lot to lose if Egypt could stand up to acquire its post once again within the international community..
“They” will be satisfied only when Egypt loses every single bound with the African Continent and with its Arab Nation..
“They” will not spare any effort or cost to prevent Egypt from making its own new Constitution and freely chose its governing body with a proper ruling system independently from UN, NATO, USA, EU, IMF, BCE, WB, CIA, MOSSAD…Etc.
Now, can you identify in a clear, sharp and comprehensive manner who are “They”?
Pass On The Word.
 (*)Anarchy (from Greek: anarchíā), has more than one definition. The term "anarchy" typically is meant to refer to a society without a publicly enforced government or violently enforced political authority. When used in this sense, anarchy may or may not be intended to imply political disorder or lawlessness within a society.
And by most individuals that self-identify as anarchists, it implies a system of governance, mostly theoretical at a nation state level although there are a few successful historical examples, that goes to lengths to avoid the use of coercion, violence, force and authority, while still producing a productive and desirable society.
It is widely established that “Anarchy” appears as a result of a state collapse.
“That is why Anarchy, when it works to destroy authority in all its aspects, when it demands the abrogation of laws and the abolition of the mechanism that serves to impose them, when it refuses all hierarchical organization and preaches free agreement — at the same time strives to maintain and enlarge the precious kernel of social customs without which no human or animal society can exist”.
Peter Kropotkin – Anarchism: its philosophy and ideal.

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