The dawn must come.

The dawn must come.

Saturday, 7 January 2012

Regression towards the Absurd.

By: Ahmed M. El NAHAS – Thursday January the 5th 2012.
Let us examine three scenes from the last act of the unfinished Middle-Eastern play on stage since over eight centuries today.. If you would allow me the metaphor.. Because it seems like nothing but a tragicomic, almost ridicule, piece badly rehearsed and poorly presented to add another chapter to a script written for only one purpose: to demolish every trace of dignity and hope out from any “Arab Awakening”, most specially the new born “Arab Spring Revolution”.
Needless to point out that it is the same script that detailed paragraphs like “The Balfour Declaration”, “The Sykes-Picot Accords”, “The Divide and Rule Tactics”, “The Sèvres Protocol of 1956”, “The Preventive War”, “The War On Terrorism”…etc. Obviously the list is long.. Nevertheless, I will limit myself to the following three:
Scene #1: Drums of War..
The Nobel Peace Prize winner Mr. Barak OBAMA has conceded to the fearsome “Israeli Zionist Lobbies”, and related industrial and military beneficiaries and profiteers, to endorse – at least politically and diplomatically for now - Israel in menacing the eminent launch of a “Preventive/Pre-emptive” attack on Iran, as another step towards establishing a vulnerable and divided “New Middle-East” having one referential tutor: Israel. They have already tamed the “Gulf Mini-States” rendering them into “Strategic Satellite Bases” and markets of mass consumption to American and Israeli technology, products and technical assistance to serve reenergising their crumbling economy, while American and Israeli firms rest in total control over the top of that immense oil reservoir. 
Using similar shabby alibis and dull excuses as they already did before invading Iraq (remember the immortal Colin Powell presentation before the Security Council?!), the actual US administration, desperately seeking a second term, is willing to convert its Democratic identity to a more fanatically ‘right-winged’ masquerade more blunt than that of the fiercest Republican hawks.
The sad part of that scene, is Egypt’s  official stand in support of such a Medieval Barbarism” , in exchange for new armored grants  along with ventilated long term Loans & interests to slam-dunk the entire population into a basket full of more debts and advanced dependency for poverty.. Same ridiculous recipe we have been forced to swallow over long painful decades of hunger, injustice and poverty.. And what for? Simply to remain a loyal servant to the “Isramerican” interests in the area.. Isn’t that so absurd?  
Scene #2: The Trial..
Seeing the Egyptian General Prosecutor calling upon a “Capital Sentence” (Death penalty) for Mubarak, Adly and the others (nothing in regard to the sons or wife whom no one knows any related clue), in that specific critical timing, at the conclusion of the Parliamentary elections, just to cool down the boiling blood of the Revolutionary Youth and shift the views from the daily atrocities committed in the streets and squares of the country under the blind eye and the deaf ear of the SCAF and El Ganzoury Government; is nothing else but a political “Highest Levels Directives” intended to:
·         Contain and convert the revolutionary energy to their favour and that of their “Allies”!!
·         Intimidate the Ex régime clan of supporters, fans, profiteers and sponsors to concede to the “Neo-Fascist Military Dictatorship”, after which the requested terms for the Death Penalty could be ‘reviewed’.
·         Prepare the terrain for a potential “Sectarian Conflict”, to later on be driven into an “Open Range Religious Clash” in the hope of forcing the nation to willingly accept, and never contrast, the full authority of the “Military Institution” over the lands and hands.   
Covered by the thick veil of a grave-yard like silence (or should I dare say the colluded acceptance) of the so called political parties, with the “Brotherhood” on top of the list; who accepted from day one that such trials would go on celebrated before Civil Tribunal with an incomplete “Accusatorial Act” to be dealt with by the Penal Code,  and not before a Special Martial Courts with the complete act of accusations including “High Treason” to be judged by the Emergency Laws, at least same as the protesters!!.. Don’t you agree that also this is a return to the absurd?
Scene #3: Foreign Terror Cells operating on Egyptian Soil..
Astonishing how the Egyptian weekly “Rose El Youssef” wrapped up such an article, connecting it to “..a high level White House source”. The article is briefly claiming that several terrorist cells commanded by ‘upper ranks highly trained individuals’ originating from, and financed by, various foreign states, were in concert together to kill and displace the corps of the victims of Mohamed Mahmoud St. ‘unrests’ among other tasks assigned to them to disorientate the population and destabilise the ‘order’ in a way to “Topple The System” and “Change the Government”. The article even did publish the amounts of money which presumably were disbursed to finance these ‘black operations platoons’.
The ironic part in such a scene, is that a weekly publishing with the history and the political back-ground as Rose El Youssef would refer the news to a presumed “Classified CIA Report written in 9 pages and forwarded to the White House as early as three or four months ago”!!
Dear fellows if that is true than it is certainly part of the build-up scenario set to prepare the Middle-Eastern public opinion to accept and cheer for the coming long-term cold-war and possible invasions, same as the ongoing scenario of sabotaging the Iranian industrial infra-structure with the pre-text of being chemical and nuclear warfare plants, same as the presumed, and even unconfirmed by the CIA itself, the Iranian secret plan to assassinate the Saudi Ambassador to the US!!.. All of which consist pieces of a single giant puzzle to discourage any effort to revive the “Arab Unity” project, just by freely disbursing rumors involving the Gulf States, Iran, Syria, Hezb’Allah and others in the unfounded accusations of financing such operations.
However one question remain unasked, that the Egyptian weekly dismissed and no one to my knowledge so far did address: “where is the MOSSAD from all that stuff? Isn’t that its main area of competent expertise: Successful Infiltration, Assassination, Destabilising order and Over-Throwing Governments?”..  
Even worse, if the contents of that article are true, what would have been the role of those piled up together at “Torah Prison” along with all their free communications and outside connections?.. Moreover, why such news be published in perfect timing with the shameless military and security raids over the NGOs quarters flagging the excuse that they are “financed by foreign states” !!
So, Rose El Youssef, don’t you seem ridiculously nostalgic for the absurd?
Now, after such a quick examination of the chosen scenes, I would call on you, Dear Friends, to find the ties binding them together and decide for yourselves.. Which is the farce and what is the Tragic-comedy? I’ve been telling you since last August to watch out and beware of foreign operatives and secret services infiltrators, because the foreign intelligence agencies, mainly the CIA and MOSSAD, will not be standing aside watching the revolution car moving away.. They will be steering the wheel!!
Pass On The Word.

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