A simple but most efficacious method for the rehabilitation of certain individuals in order to reintegrate them effectively into new systems, same as the alternative training for those with specific job experiences to adapt to completely new functions. The method is also used in certain cases of “Mind Control” and “Behaviour Modification” techniques.
It goes back to the early days of the great Chinese Empire, when the victorious war lords “Re-Educated” the defeated and the prisoners of war in custody, the method was subject to several refining and developments in the time of Mao’s “Cultural Revolution” and by General Giap with the defeated South Vietnamese. Both, Mao and Giap, did not use neither the “Trauma-Based”, as did the Khmeir Rouge militias, nor the “Electronic-Based” techniques as adopted by the “Montauk Project” in USA.
Mao and later on Giap, each rising victors out of distress situations decided to involve the people in what they named the “People’s Court” to sentence those of being found guilty of “anti revolutionary activities” as in China, or “enemy of the people” as in the case of South Vietnam, the court’s verdict would sentence the guilty to serve “X years” to be executed one third in solitary confinement and two thirds in forced labour in agriculture. Cultivating camps in order to let those individuals do what they have never done in their lives before, especially the ex- régime’s political hierarchy.
Even though my personal preferences tend otherwise, yet I see such system extremely productive as it is:
v Cost effective
v Time efficient
v Easy to control
v Mass manipulative
v Revolutionary coherent
Basically what is required to make such a scheme function after any revolution?
In order to avoid chaos after any social trauma, he who wants to seize control must quickly decide, chose and constitute a special court, parallel to other important decisions that I will mention later here below, to speed up and try immediately, openly and transparently, the cases of the people vs. whomever is charged with office abuse, profiteering, mismanagement of national resources, embezzlement, bribery, fraud and I would say even treason to the constitution, and then send them to work as farmers cultivating camps, not behind prison walls or in prison farms, but in fertile rural areas in farmers villages in the deep country side of the territory, where they would be controlled by the local population and the local law enforcement.
Of course an essential part of the sentence should be confiscating all their haves proven to have been accumulated from fraud, abuse, mismanagement, extortion, embezzlement, bribery…etc.
The efficiency of this method appears in many folds:
v Open trials bring together the mass in support of the new system.
v The quick handling of the entire process is vital to maintain control.
v Convincing the uncertain of the new system’s will to achieve change and activate reforms.
v Avoiding waste of energy and economic resources in long civil courts traditional trials.
v Re-educate the sentenced individuals in order to re-integrate them back in society.
However it is imperative, for such a method to achieve the maximum of results, to adopt few additional steps and execute them effectively and efficiently parallel and beside the quick public trials:
Ø To assign a special “Constituents Assembly” the task of formulating a new election laws and a new constitution guaranteeing the full separation of powers between the institutions in a free civil democratic parliamentary republic. No more presidential systems the old ways, proven to be corruptible and as such easy to manipulate and blackmail dragging it, and the country, away from national interests and objectives.
Ø To present a fully detailed national programme of reforms for a “Public General Referendum”, based upon the essential vital needs of the country in terms of Education, Health, Agriculture, Environment, Economy, Defense and Foreign Policy. Which should be the country’s strategic doctrine no matter of which political colour would be the elected government’s flags.
Ø To establish the regulatory norms prohibiting any public finance to political parties, to press and mass communications vehicles, to electoral campaigns…etc. As well to provide the decrees monitoring and controlling the transparency of such finances from other sources nationally or internationally.
Ø To empower human rights and survey over any breach or violation that should be confronted legally immediately.
Ø To regulate, via special laws, the “Conflict Of Interest” as an imperative prohibitive measure in public service.
Ø To resuscitate the frozen law known as “Where this is from” to control the public service wealth.
Ø To establish sever and exemplary sentences for “Tax Evasion”.
But before and above all to maintain the sovereignty and independence of the “Juridical Institution”, the “Syndical Organisations”, “Labour Unions” and the “Press”. Being the defending organs of Democracy.
Pass On The Word.
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