The dawn must come.

The dawn must come.

Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Who will foot the bill?

My heartiest and most sincer wishes to all the Moslem Nation for a seren and peaceful Eid (Bairam) after a long summer's fast of this year Ramadan, may it be accepted and registered in your good deeds.
But I can't be feasting in a world where everything is for sale and bears a price tag. See the Libyan population, like a blind host in the banquet of the cunning, are celebrating the liberation of Tripoli while the “NATO & Co” are already discussing with the NTC the various options for settling the bill: frozen moderate oil prices for I don’t know how long, reconstruction contracts to which nation, arming and training of security and army forces to be granted to whom, a permanent base for the “NATO” I don’t know where and so on; to the point where  liberating Gheddafi’s assets and accounts to Libya becomes the most effective bargaining tool.
Such practices are a historic treat that has been accustomed among nations and refined through time, but the key word in this regard is: “..among nations”. And of course in a way the nation’s delegated representatives. Here a legitimate question should come out: “Who nominated the NTC the one and only delegated representative of the entire Libyan population?".
We know that few days after the revolution have exploded last February, the NTC smartly showed up headed by that intelligent ex minister and filling immediately the power void resulting from the unexpected quick autonomous declaration of the Free BenGhasi Insurgents.
Now the NTC is binding the country by long term treaties and contracts for which it doesn’t have the legal authority, and that explains the speed in which almost the entire world acclaimed the NTC the “Sole Legitimate Representative” of the Libyan people, with related merits as the seat in the Arab League or the UN and other international and regional organizations (African, Islamic…etc).
I can’t see any explanation for depriving a population from its future, through a globally orchestrated chorus singing glory to the victorious, while vesting an “Interim” the “Permanent” costume. Or maybe there is an explanation - for not waiting to establish the needed institutions for a functional democracy by which contracts, accords, protocols and treaties could be duly negotiated and signed – and that is to present the full bill at mid-meal to embarrass the host while the guest is euphorically drunk.
That is how the Arab Nation lost its peninsula and Gulf oil, already mortgaged for decades to pay the exaggerated bills for three wars and an occupation, also the Egyptian Natural Gas and Oil, now the turn has come for the second largest oil reserve on the planet, not to mention the south Sudan underground mineral treasures and the Darfur oil lakes. That is how the Arab wealth and power are being drained out for the irrationality of the unfit and the avarice of the opportunist.
No one is considering the fact that the only one actually footing the bill, is the helpless citizen. The citizen who will continue for decades, and maybe even his children too,  to suffer under the heavy burden of continuous taxations to settle the required installments and almost never tasting the fruits of his resources.
The sad paradox is that he’s paying the price for: Aid, Help, Assistance and Rescue!
And we proudly dare call ourselves the Human Race”.   

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