The dawn must come.

The dawn must come.

Thursday, 29 May 2014

A man of providence.

By: Ahmed ELNAHAS – Castelfiorentino, May 29th 2014.
The inevitable outcome, after 3 years of overwhelming chaos, fear and insecurity; would be to hold tight, as firm as possible, on whichever’ lifeline, thrown by anyone to avoid drowning. You’ll catch it, without questioning the reasons or doubting the intentions. Instead you’ll remain grateful and indebted for your ‘Saviour’.. It’s normal and it’s human.
The Egyptians did exactly that. They found themselves driven by an increasing fear from a deteriorating state of security, and by a dominating frustration from a decimated economy and lack of necessities; all obliging them to barter their initial demands (Bread, Liberty and Social Justice, along with their hopes for Democracy and Prosperity) against Security. The Broker who volunteered to cut the deal was no one less than the Field-Marshal Ex Chief of Military Intelligence and Ex Defence Minister; supreme master of 41% of the country’s GDP!
No one questioned his intentions ever since the beginning. Since the day he appeared on TV screens urging them to “Delegate” his armed forces and give him an open “Power Of Attorney” to topple the elected Executive, and restart all over from square 1.
No one ever doubted him as masterminding the plan to restore Egypt back to its “Legitimate Ruler” the Military Institution. On the contrary, every voice hailed him as the HERO, and every newspaper or TV channel raced to attribute to his person all imaginable and unimaginable adjectives. Shaping a nation wide PR campaign 5 months before any date for the elections is set; to galvanise an image of him exactly as described few hundred years ago in a tiny little book written by Niccolo MACCHIVELLI and entitled “Il Principe” (The Prince). An image of a man with 5 key characters: Clement, reliable, humane, honest and religious.
His opponent had nothing to offer; and, same as him, had no programme to formulate and present to the people; because the clever Media machine, thought everything out.. It made us realise that he’d close an eye on the conflict of interest, two eyes on tax evasion, and using the precariousness as a panacea against unemployment. All to make of him the guaranteed caretaker for the interests of an exhausted middle class.
They made certain that in the representation of an Inter-Classicism, anchored at loads of moderate interests, which grew over almost sixty years to form in Egypt the hegemonic social-electoral massive bloc; the figure of the Field Marshal would definitely be the evolution of the specie.
Thus, he automatically became the Leader, the Saviour, the Nasser Reincarnated or Resurrected… He turned into the new DIVINITY for whom songs must be composed and poems must be rhymed. He became the hope, the answer, the key to open every door towards prosperity.
Everyone with no exception would gladly kneel before the shrine, which they have willingly volunteered to build for him, praying that he would accept their offerings and bless their sacrifices.
I thought that the Coup brought the country back to 1952. I was wrong.. Egypt’s time machine swung back to the Pyramids Building era. And that is what frightens me.
Pass On The Word.