The dawn must come.

The dawn must come.

Thursday, 24 April 2014

The Dormant and the Comatose.

By: Ahmed ELNAHAS – Castelfiorentino, April 23rd 2014.
In a previous article dated March 25th 2014, entitled ‘Is the world paying today the bill for a Wrong Theory?’ I wrote:
“Next Wednesday, Barak Obama will be in Brussels trying to sell Ttip (Trans-Atlantic Trade & Investments Protocol) to the Western Old Economies. In an aggressive move, hoping to succeed in joining the two banks of the Atlantic into a strong economic bloc of Free Trade. He’s going armed with one ‘Ace’ and an ‘Atout’. His Ace id the TPP; or Trans-Pacific Partnership. A protocol, which opens a free trade zone for the USA and 11 states from both sides of the Pacific Ocean.”
Today, I will try to draw your attention on how such partnerships or protocols as they prefer, were planned and designed only to heal the ills of a declining economy of a super-power in obvious difficulty. Hence, the importance to reproduce, in Europe, the old Bi-Polar pattern left behind from the Cold War era.
Reading carefully the protocol, and once all tariffs and customs barriers would fall and vanish from the Trans-Atlantic free trade zone, we will realise its immediate consequences:
Ø  Many constitutional normative conquests risk being swept away. It is not by chance that the multinational corporations are secretly negotiating cross mergers and aggressive take-overs, away from any democratic tool of control (behind closed doors in economic forums); and publicly in the stock exchange markets (just take a closer look on last week’s Big Pharma bond and share acquisitions) to initiate new monopolising cartels.
Ø  Europe have fought for decades to establish laws and rights, that are now under attack. The health rights, the environment care, penalties for polluting firms risk total banishment. All health care systems, will be open for the free market, thus only profits shall prevail over social demands. The banner example is the current assault, of the multinational pharmaceutical producers, to control the market of Low Cost Generic Medicines.
Ø  Taxes are also at risk. Being the tool to sustain the slim community’s balance, and to use as a defensive measure against speculative operations and climatic degrade (as the tax on financial transitions or that on the emission of carbon dioxide).
In a fast changing world, moving in the shade of a mysterious New Order, should these be the worries of a dormant Europe; what should be ours, people and governments of a Comatose Third World? Those chronically addicted to financial aids, loans and technical assistances imposed by an IMF, a WB or even an EUB.
None at all!! As long as insignificant soap operas, football matches and cheap art forms performances are our daily cultural features; produced and aired intentionally to keep us hypnotically anchored to the screens. This Cultural Curfew (I coined this term, thus copyright is due), that is fogging our minds, becomes the real obstacle keeping our new generations vulnerably defenceless and helpless, in the claws of the web’s hazards and those of its social networks.
Our elders long ago once said: Who marries my mother, I’d call my Uncle. That is how we inherited the sarcasm by which to convert our misfortunes into happy events to live with and by. By which we accept foreign occupation, poverty or tyranny. Self-convinced that they are acceptable unchangeable destiny.. Meant to be! Forgetting that as such we are becoming separate islands, living afar from one another; not actually sharing together our problems and pains. Believing that few words of comfort will ease any ache.
Well.. We are wrong. Because those multinational pharmaceutical firms, will only finance researches producing quick and long lasting profits. They will not care to invest in finding cures for rare pathologies. They are more interested in containing the effects of such pathologies, by providing very expensive and exclusive drugs; rather than completely curing them. For they define the patient a CLIENT, that must be kept alive, but unhealed, the longest possible.
And the multinational industries, controlling banks, will never allow us the free access to modern technology. They would rather trade some short term consuming type knowledge for our natural resources: work force, fertile soil, lands, minerals, water, oil and gas.
Pass On The Word.

Thursday, 17 April 2014

A Diplomatic Escape is rocking Italy’s Institutions.

By: Ahmed ELNAHAS – Montopoli, April 12th 2014.
“Beirut Interpol Section operatives, in a joint operation with Lebanese Secret Service agents, apprehended an Italian fugitive at his suite of the Intercontinental Phoenicia. The captured individual, a known frequentation of Italy’s Silvio Berlusconi, escaped Rome to Beirut right before the Appeal court of Palermo would confirm the 7 years incarceration sentence being found guilty as charged for MAFIA Criminal Association”.
That is how the very few Arab news agencies announced the fact. The story is quit different than a simple every day arrest. Let me tell you the real thing.
The man, Marcello Dell’UTRI, is indeed a very close friend to Silvio Berlusconi. He engineered the foundation of what became known as Berlusconi’s personal political party: Forza Italia, back in 1994 for three major reasons:
1)      Create an escape route for Silvio out from Juridical troubles by entering the political arena and enjoy immunity,
2)      Allow various Mafia clans (Cosa Nostra, Ndrangheta, and Camorra) exchange “favours to provide secure voting consensus against guaranteeing Berlusconi’s support through his political connections, and
3)      Organise Berlusconi’s international Business Empire financial muscles in a way to conceal the largest money-laundering machine Europe have ever known.
The grey shadows veiling his escape, include few high ranking institutional apparatus and several business (criminal) connections. Since the preliminary inquisitor’s official request to prevent the by then accused Dell’Utri from travelling, and that the relevant authorities would cancel his travelling documents (private and diplomatic passports), was totally ignored.
The best part in the story, or should I say the funniest, is yet to come. It is about why and how the Interpol order was issued.
For several months, the Italian police has been secretly investigating the owner of a trendy fish restaurant in Rome, suspected of laundering money. Having the adequate authorizations, secret agents placed several audio-visual devices all over the place. As the restaurant serves the Capital’s Jet Set clientele: politicians, movie stars, musicians, businessmen, industrials, bankers, major sports figures…etc.
Recently, the twin brother of the accused asked for an “au privé” dinner in the VIP private lounge of that restaurant. He came accompanied by another individual, later identified as Vincenzo Mancuso, and during the meal they were talking about the last details to plan the evasion of his brother (the convicted).
The police officers in charge of monitoring the interceptions were astonished to find on hand the plot, and they reported them to their superiors, whom in their turn forwarded them to the Public Prosecutor’s office. The latter ordered a new investigation to be carried out, and didn’t overlook to officially inform the competent authorities of the eminent escape of Marcello Dell’Utri. However it was a bit too late; Dell’Utri has already been fleeing away from a certain confirmation of the sentence, using his Diplomatic Passport. A document issued while he was still a Senator! No one ever drew back that passport after the first grade sentence, as the law perceives.
The interceptions brought to the light some very important issues, which I will try to summarise as follows:
Ø  Silvio Berlusconi financed the escape after approving the plan.
Ø  Marcello Dell’Utri, his twin brother, Vincenzo Mancuso and Gennaro Mokbel (all convicted in similar financial crimes related to local criminal organisations) planned to set a refuge shelter in Guinea Bissao.
Ø  The small African state’s official were favourable to host the clan, provided that they would “grease their way in” as Mokbel himself say in one of the tapes; explaining that they would “use Silvio’s offshore charity associations front to build some sandy football fields for the youth and some clinics for children, of course authorities will have their cut and we shall be granted diplomatic passports to split our week-ends between  Beirut and Guinea”.
Dell’Utri earlier said that Guinea is important because “…we shall have exclusive concessions for mining Gold, Diamond and Uranium.. Guys the possibilities there are infinite”.
Earlier today, Silvio Berlusconi said to the press: “I agreed to sent Marcello in Lebanon because Putin asked me to support Mr. Gemayyel candidacy for the coming Lebanese presidential elections”!!
This is the nucleus of the story: unscrupulous Political and Business interests strongly weaved together to make few rich adventurers richer, rendering many poor Africans much poorer. So, how many such plots invaded our countries over the years draining out our resources, and leaving behind nothing but divisions, poverty, ignorance and corruption???
Pass On The Word.

Saturday, 12 April 2014

Her Name is: Regina José Galindo!

By: Ahmed ELNAHAS – Montopoli, April 6th 2014.
In an extreme act of protest, against the candidacy for President of Efrain Rios Montt*, a Military Coup-Man and Genocide executioner, the young Guatemalan artist produced a spot in which she, in full mourning black, dumped her bear feet in human blood leaving a bloody trail behind her walking from the Constitutional Court to the Guatemala National Palace.

She has also used her own body, in many other occasions, in political key to relive her country’s historical traumatic experiences extracted out from the 36 years horrifying Civil War from 1960 until 1996. A conflict that harvested the lives of hundreds of thousands of men, women and children; indiscriminately tortured, raped, shot or left to rot in crowded humid cells.

In one of her most expressive representations, she exposes her nude fragile body to the pressure pump water jet, normally used to disperse demonstrations, also used to torture prisoners as an interrogation technique.

Addressing the Milano University under graduates last week, she said:
“My political principles are very clear. If I have the conscience and interest about what happens in my country, my work then becomes a reflex of my life, hence is political. All life is politics and in relation with power”.
Could Regina, the 23-year-old artist activist, being an example of discipline, commitment, devotion and persistence; inspire millions of idle indifferent youngsters of her generation worming about our Middle-Eastern schools and universities?
Pass On The Word.
*Accused of committing Crimes against Humanity (for torturing and liquidating protesters and opposition activists) and Mass Genocide (of the native Maya tribes) last year and after long trial, General Montt was found guilty and definitely sentenced to 80 years in solitary confinement; in what seemed a historic verdict issued from Guatemala Supreme Court. Nevertheless, two weeks later, with no explanation whatsoever, the process was cancelled.

Reference: Laura Cherubini – Il Fatto Quotidiano.

Thursday, 10 April 2014

Horizontal Intellectuals for Vertical Democracy!*

By: Ahmed ELNAHAS – Montopoli, April 10th 2014.
Ever since July 1952, the political trend for good governance was to promote Trust above Merit. As such, all of the administrative, bureaucratic and productive machineries fell directly into the hands of members, followers, supporters, relatives and sponsors of the newly seated ruling class: The Military Establishment.
Later on, in the sixties, the Security Forces (police, national security corps, and intelligence agencies officials) marked another trend when muscled in the political arena, acquiring most of the Governorates Mayor-ships, and almost monopolising cities and villages governing seats directly (by nominations) or indirectly (by manipulated consensus).
In no time, both trends turned into irrevocable traditions.. A forbidden TABOO, or a worshiped TOTEM. Accepted and respected, but mostly feared. That’s why they lasted about 60 years. Despite having demolished bit by bit the once well founded strong economy, unified social tissues and tolerant collective culture.
2 years ago, tens of Constitutionalists have voluntarily precipitated, in a compact horde, to form the ‘Wise-men Group’. Their assigned task was writing down a draft for a package of ‘Constitutional Reforms’ designed to convert the Rebellion’s demands into a binding National Projects.
The aim was to establish the methods and norms for “Liberty, Welfare and Social Justice” by means of a sound Participative Democracy.
However, the outcome re-enforced the foundations of Authoritarian Governance: emergency laws, tailored election norms for administrative and parliamentary elections, suppression of Juridical Authority, Media censorship, assigning followers and supporters in key institutional positions, receiving instructions and taking orders from foreign states.. All of which have aggravated the anger creating more conflicting divisions among the population, other than degenerating the economy and diffusing poverty on unprecedented large scales.
Hence, corrective measures should’ve been taken.. Hoping for better sorts, the people shouldered the NEW, unaware of hailing the resuscitation of the OLD! Once again, another ‘Wise-men Group’ (this time named the FIFTY COMMISSION) was re-assigned the drafting of an entirely New Constitution!
Nevertheless, the newborn Charter swung a fatal blow to all hopes for real Democratic Reforms. It concentrated power and authority in the hands of the President of the Republic, prolonged the use of Emergency Laws (by renaming them anti terrorism measures), centralised the administration in the nominations made by the Executive Authority, censored the Media, rendered the Legislative Authority (Parliament) a tool in the hands of the Executive Authority…Etc!!
After 3 years, our institutions have only succeeded to counterfeit Democracy. By rendering it VERTICAL, not participative, Democracy as such became not Democratic! For that, urged the necessity to engage flocks of servile HORIZONTAL intellectuals. To cheer the change, and discredit the few timid voices of opposition.
Rolling between Religious Fascism and Institutional Fascism (trafficked as Conservatives), or rocking over Vertical Democracy and Horizontal Intellectuals (galvanised as modern values); the end result is identical: we shall remain captives of the same TABOO and will worship another TOTEM.
Pass On The Word.
*I borrowed the term from Marco Travaglio’s article on yesterday issue of Il Fatto Quotidiano.

Thursday, 3 April 2014

The Missing Principles!

By: Ahmed ELNAHAS – Montopoli, April 3rd 2014.
“No one is above the law, for all citizens have equal social dignity, and stand equally the same before the LAW”.

In modern times, most Constitutional Charts strongly embrace this principle, to set the foundations and enforce the culture for “Free Participative Democracy”. When a collectivity is fundamentally convinced, ensured and ascertained, that: “legality suits society’s interests, because the respect for rules and regulations improves the quality of living”; then the collectivity will forcefully thrust into open and active participation in shaping politics and policies of Society. That’s what “Free Participative Democracy” is all about.

BUT.. Before speeding your mind into the illusion that such a statement is well established, or even judge it banal and generic; allow me the premise of an important given fact: unfortunately, in our system, Legality and Observance of rules are two categories of which governing parameters are defined and set in/by the Constitution!!

Just ponder, only for a little while, on the relations between Justice and Legality as terms that are seldom considered synonyms; while in fact they are two different concepts. Without Legality, there can be no Justice. Since Legality by itself, cannot guarantee full Justice. On the other hand, although the Observance of norms is indispensable and binding; yet alone it does not possess the force to cross over social inequalities.

Urge then the need for something more. This something more is that the Constitution and its applicative laws, would become indisputably the main source for “turning Justice into a daily practice, capable of delivering to each citizen precisely what belongs to him; what he’s entitled to and what serves him in order to live decently. A task that needs Legality; but as well, it must involve Personal Responsibility, effort, commitment and solidarity of each individual of the entire society”.

“…it is the job of the Republic to remove all obstacles that, in their eventual limitations of Liberty and Equality of all citizens, would prevent the complete development of the Human Person”.

Another fundamental constitutional ruling principle repeated in most modern Democracies’ Constitutional Charts. And, same as the first one stated earlier here above, seem to be overlooked in both our newly imposed Charts. Even worse, both have re-established an urging necessity to extend Emergency Laws, nuzzled the Media and tightened its rope around the Justice neck.

So, if contrary to our charts, all modern constitutions stress on these principles, to “realize an emancipated democracy, in which the accomplished recognition for the rights of liberty is well integrated by the thorough affirmation of the principle of equality and evenness substantially, undertaken not as a simple aspiration, but as the given fundamental norm”Can you tell who’s right and who’s not?

Pass On The Word.